Importers and Wholesalers to Retail and Manufacturers
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Home of Studmaster.
We are a leading Importer supplying Saddlery products to the Retail Market and Manufacturer. Our wide range consists of Tools, Needles, Threads and PVC webbing. Specialising in Stainless Steel and Brass Hardware. Rigging plates, Blevin Buckles and Harness Hardware are just a few of our large range.
Grooming products
Body and finishing brushes, Curry combs, Sweat scrapers, Travel boots, Polo bandages, Leg wraps, Skid boots, Bell boots, Splint boots, these are just a few lines from our large range.
Other Products
Saddle Blankets and Pads, Gloves, Bull Bells, Cinches, Girths, Whips, Bridles, Halters, Cattle Halters, Leads, Bit, Stirrups, Spurs, Stirrup Leathers and Stable Accessories. Although we only supply at the retail level, we can introduce you to your nearest stockist for all your saddlery and related needs, email or call us.